Run Avalanche Node in Background
This page demonstrates how to set up a avalanchego.service
file to enable a manually deployed validator node to run in the background of a server instead of in the terminal directly.
Make sure that AvalancheGo is already installed on your machine.
Fuji Testnet Config
Run this command in your terminal to create the avalanchego.service
Paste the following configuration into the avalanchego.service
Remember to modify the values of:
- user=
- group=
- WorkingDirectory=
- ExecStart=
For those that you have configured on your Server:
Press Ctrl + X then Y then Enter to save and exit.
Now, run:
Mainnet Config
Run this command in your terminal to create the avalanchego.service
Paste the following configuration into the avalanchego.service
Press Ctrl + X then Y then Enter to save and exit.
Now, run:
Start the Node
This command makes your node start automatically in case of a reboot, run it:
To start the node, run:
To see the synchronization process, you can run the following command: